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Beds Pension Fund
Bedfordshire Pension Fund - Home
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Accessibility statement
Pension Scheme Contacts
Useful links - Pensions
Active members
Joining the LGPS
Opting out of the LGPS
Refunds of contributions
Opting out - things to consider
The 50 50 section
Benefits of the LGPS
Increasing your benefits
Additional Pension Contributions
Additional Voluntary Contributions
How is my pension worked out?
Thinking about retirement?
How much will my pension be?
What do I need to do?
When can I retire?
Early Retirement
Estimates of pension benefits
Redundancy or Efficiency
Ill health retirement
Flexible Retirement
Late retirement
Transferring pension rights into the LGPS
Transferring benefits out of the LGPS
LGPS and Divorce
Divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership
Annual Benefit Statements
Annual Benefit Statements FAQs
The State Pension
Pensions tax
Periods of Absence
Guides to the LGPS
Forms for members - Active Members
Regulation changes
The McCloud remedy
Help with pension problems
Useful links for active members
Co-habiting Partners
How much do I pay?
Pension payments and pay dates
Payslips and P60s
Pensions Increase
A guide for new pensioners
Protection for your family
LGPS and Divorce - Pensioners
Regulation changes - Pensioners
The McCloud remedy - pensioners
Useful links for pensioners
Reporting a bereavement
Do I have deferred benefits?
When can deferred benefits be paid?
Transferring benefits
Annual Benefit Statements
Annual deferred benefit statements FAQs
Deferred benefits questions
The McCloud remedy - deferred members
Forms for members - Deferred Members
Regulation changes - Deferred Members
Useful links for deferred members
Can I cash in my deferred benefits?
Are my deferred benefits protected against inflation?
What happens if I die leaving a deferred benefit in the scheme?
Benefits for dependants
Receiving a dependant's pension
Regulation changes - Dependants
Useful links for dependants
Pensions forms and guides for employers
Annual Return
Ill Health Certificates and Documents
Pension Fund annual meetings
Employer Contribution Rates
Admitted Body Status
Latest news for employers
Automatic enrolment
Managing employee complaints
Useful links - employers
List of employers - scheduled and admitted bodies
About the LGPS
Fund policies
Pension Fund Committee
Pension Board
Pension Board Annual Reports
Investments and investment pooling
Responsible investment
Actuarial valuations
Reports and accounts
Data Protection and GDPR
National Insurance Database
National Fraud Initiative
Useful links - fund information
fund Governance