When can deferred benefits be paid?
The date your benefits are payable from depends on your length of service and when you joined the scheme. Your annual deferred benefit statement shows the date your benefits are payable from and this date is known as your Normal Pension Age (NPA).
We will write to you about a month in advance of your NPA and will include the forms you need to complete to claim your pension benefits.
You may be able to claim your deferred benefits before your NPA but your benefits will be reduced to reflect the early payment. See our section on taking your benefits at a date other than your NPA.
If you would like to take your benefits at a date other than your NPA you should ask us for an estimate and should let us know at least two months in advance of the date that you would like to claim your benefits.
Our guide for new pensioners page answers some of the frequently asked questions that our members have when their deferred benefits go into payment.