• Take charge of your pension

    Manage your pension account with My Pension Online, where you can register to view your pension record, update your details and learn more about your pension benefits.

  • Joining the scheme

    The LGPS offers flexibility around how much you pay in pension contributions, which depends on how much you're paid.

  • Estimates of benefits

    You can choose to retire and draw your pension from the LGPS at any time from age 55 to 75.

  • Thinking of Opting out?

    Before making the decision to opt out of the LGPS you may want to consider the 50/50 option.


About Bedfordshire Pension Fund


Bedfordshire Pension Fund is responsible for the pensions of Local Government employees across Bedfordshire, as well as those from other types of employers participating in the scheme.   Most employees from the participating employers automatically become members of the LGPS when they start employment.









More about us

Thinking of joining?

The Local Government Pension scheme offers many benefits for members and their dependants

Joining the pension scheme

The McCloud remedy

Find out more about the changes to the LGPS rules, known as the 'McCloud remedy'.

The McCloud remedy

Need to make a change?

Make changes to your details through My Pension Online or by completing one of our forms.

Update your details

How is my pension worked out?

Find out how your pension benefits are worked out at the end of each scheme year.

Pensions benefit calculator

Thinking about retirement?

Essential information to prepare you for retirement including when and how you can retire

Nearing retirement

Thinking of leaving?

Before making the decision to leave the pension scheme, you need to consider the options.

Opting out of the pension scheme