How much do I pay?
Member Contribution Rates
The contribution rate you pay will be based on your actual pensionable pay and if you get paid non-contractual overtime you will also pay contributions on this pensionable pay. The contribution rates range from 5.5% to 12.5% of your pensionable pay. The rate you pay depends on which pay band you fall into. You receive tax relief on your contributions as they are deducted from your salary before you pay tax.
Your employer decides which pay band you fall into. Here are the pay bands that apply from April 2024:
Members' Pension Contribution Rates
Actual Pensionable Pay | Employee Contribution Rate |
Up to £17,600 |
£17,601 - £27,600 |
£27,601 - £44,900 |
£44,901 - £56,800 |
£56,801 - £79,700 |
£79,701 - £112,900 |
£112,901 - £133,100 |
£133,101 - £199,700 |
£199,701 or more |
The contributions rates and/or pay bands will be reviewed on a regular basis and may change in the future. Your employer assesses your contribution rate every April and if your pay changes during the year your employer may decide to review your rate when your pay changes. If there is a change to your contribution rate, your employer will let you know.
There is also an option in the LGPS which is called the 50/50 section. You can choose to pay half the normal pension contribution amount and build up half the pension benefits. More information about the 50/50 section is available on our 50/50 section page.