The 50 50 section
The LGPS offers flexibility for members to choose to pay half their normal amount of pension contributions. This is called the 50/50 section of the LGPS.
There are two sections in the scheme, the main section and the 50/50 section. The main section of the scheme is the section you will be placed in when you join the scheme. In that section, you pay normal contributions and your pension builds up in the normal way.
The 50/50 section gives you the option to pay half your normal pension contributions and build up half your normal pension benefits. The 50/50 section is designed to be a short term option for when times are tough financially.
The national LGPS member website has more information about the 50/50 section.
If you would like to move into the 50/50 section of the scheme you will need to complete a form and return it to Bedfordshire Pension Fund. Please go to our forms for members page to download a form. You should read the accompanying guidance notes carefully before making your decision.
You can move between the 50/50 section and the main section of the scheme as many times as you like. If you move into the 50/50 section and later decide you would like to move back into the main section of the scheme, you will need to complete another form in order to rejoin the main section. Please go to our forms for members page to download a form.