Annual Return
Employers are required to submit an annual return of data to Bedfordshire Pension Fund.
Please see below the spreadsheets and guidance notes to be used for the submission of data for the 2023/2024 financial year. The spreadsheets 'care' and 'contpost' are for the submission of individual member data.
Guidance notes for completing the 'contpost' and 'care' spreadsheets (Word 51KB)
contpost 2023/2024 (Excel spreadsheet 34KB)
care 2023/2024 (Excel spreadsheet 180KB)
List of employer codes - needed when completing 'contpost' and 'care'. (Excel 57KB)
Our Assumed Pensionable Pay calculator may be helpful when calculating APP amounts for members who have been on reduced pay due to sickness or relevant child-related leave.
Employer checklist (Excel 12KB)
If you have any queries or need more information please call 01234 276154.