Update on coronavirus
Bedfordshire Pension Fund's service for Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) members running as usual.
Most members of pension fund staff are working from home but you can still contact us by phone or email.
If you need to send forms or correspondence to the pension fund we ask that you send it to us by email where possible. We are still able to receive post but it may take longer for us to process enquiries sent by post rather than email.
Please visit our contacts page to find out how to get in touch.
We are not able to offer appointments at our offices. We can arrange telephone appointments or an online meeting if you want to arrange a specific time to talk about your pension.
Please be assured that the value of your benefits in the LGPS is not affected by any fall in stock markets because the LGPS is what is known as a ‘defined benefit’ scheme. The national LGPS member website has some FAQs about the LGPS and the coronavirus pandemic